What Is TPMS?

The inception of the TREAD Act ushered in a pivotal requirement for all vehicles produced or imported into the United States after 2004 – the incorporation of a Tire-Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). This electronic marvel serves as a vigilant guardian, continually monitoring the air pressure within your tires. The TPMS sensors dutifully relay tire pressure data to your vehicle’s instrument panel on the dashboard.

Direct vs. Indirect TPMS: Which One Is in Play? In the realm of TPMS, there are two distinct players: direct and indirect systems. Here’s a brief overview of each:

  1. Direct TPMS: Predominantly adopted in the United States, the direct TPMS system boasts sensors situated within the tire pressure valve or snugly wrapped around the rim with a band clamp.
  2. Indirect TPMS: This system takes a different approach by detecting low tire pressure through a comparison of relative wheel speeds. Interestingly, the indirect system may refrain from triggering the warning light if all tires share a similar degree of underinflation, as they tend to rotate at an identical rate.